Leyla Zamora

Bassoon and Contrabassoon

Leyla Zamora has been a bassoonist and contrabassoonist of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra since 2005. As an orchestral player, Ms. Zamora served as Principal bassoonist with the Memphis Symphony for 10 years and has also performed with Atlanta and Saint Louis Symphonies, Seattle Symphony, Auckland Philharmonia in New Zealand, and the Costa Rican National Symphony. Ms. Zamora has participated in orchestral and chamber music festivals such as Cabrillo Music Festival, La Jolla Music Fest, Mainly Mozart, Britt Festival in Oregon, Ameropa in Prague, Apple Hill Chamber Music Center, International Orchestra in Japan, Spoleto Music Festival in Italy, and the Des Moines Metro Opera.
Ms. Zamora is also an avid baroque bassoon player, performing with Bach Collegium San Diego, Kensington Baroque Orchestra, Angelus Baroque, and several baroque chamber groups in the San Diego area. Ms. Zamora studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, Baylor University and DePaul University in Chicago.

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