The Crown of Creativity
The Legacy of the Legendary Queen Christina
Queen Christina of Sweden was a fascinating figure of the 17th century—famous for her bold decision to abdicate the throne and her lasting influence on European culture. Christina was known as a passionate patron of the arts, and her support led to the creation of iconic music and philosophy. This performance takes you on a journey through Christina’s extraordinary life, highlighting key historical moments and the remarkable musical pieces that flourished under her patronage.
ALESSANDRO STRADELLA Balletto-Sinfonia from “Vola, vola in Altri Petti” (1674)
SAMUEL FRIEDRICH CAPRICORNUS Ciaccona for violin, viola da gamba and continuo (1660)
LUIGI ROSSI Lamento della Regina Suezia, “Un ferito cavaliero” for soprano and continuo
BERNARDO PASQUINI Partite Diverse di Follia for solo harpsichord
MARCO MARAZZOLI Prologo Aurora from the Opera “La Vita humana ovvero il trionfo della Pietà”
ALESSANDRO STRADELLA Sinfonia from “Vola, vola in Altri Petti”
JEAN-BAPTISTE LULLY Ouverture, Ritournelle et récit italien from “Ballet d’Alcidiane”
JEAN-BAPTISTE LULLY Chaconne des Maures from “Ballet d’Alcidiane”